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Improving Management of Depression in Primary Care

NPWT Improving the Management of Depression in Primary Care: Insights into Diagnosis and Treatment- Major depressive disorder (MDD) is one of the most common mental disorders diagnosed in the United States, with an estimated 16% of US adults experiencing MDD at some point during their lifetimes. According to the American Medical Association, chronic depression is often untreated and, on average, patients with depression receive the recommended quality of care only 58% of the time. The goal of this activity is to expand knowledge, skills, and competency among nurse practitioners (NPs) in diagnosing and selecting optimal individualized therapy for adults with MDD, ultimately helping to achieve the best possible patient outcomes. Summarize guideline changes in the new Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition, that impact the diagnosis and assessment of MDD. Assess the severity and risks of depression at the time of diagnosis. Summarize current evidence for efficacy and safety of new therapies recently approved for the treatment of depression. Develop customized treatment regimens for adults with depression, considering medication efficacy and safety, drug interactions, dosing options, and patient comorbidities. Explain the benefits of using rating scales to assess patient response to depression treatment and medication side effects.

1.0 Free CEUs for Nurse Practitioners which includes 0.5 Free Pharmacology Hours

Expires 6/1/18
